You can delete or clear the cookies using Internet Options .
To Clear Cookies:
1. Click on Tools option present in the toolbar of your browser.A drop down list is appeared and click on Internet Options.The following screen is appeared.
Troubleshooting and FAQs_Figure 15:Clear cookies_select Internet Options.
2. Click on Delete Cookies button marked in Red in above Figure.The following screen is appeared.
Troubleshooting and FAQs_Figure 16:Clear cookies_Delete cookies button.
3. Click on ok button till the Internet Option's window is closed.
In addition to the above task you need to check also the browser settings.
Checking the browser settings:
1.Click on Settings button which is present just adjacent to Delete Cookies..,Delete Files.. button in the figure no 15.You can see the following screen.
Troubleshooting and FAQs_Figure 17:Clear cookies_Browser settings.
Conform whether you selected the option marked in Red in the above figure ("Every visit to the page"). or not.