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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is represented by RED/GREEN/YEELOW records in My Tasks and Manager Worksheet?

Ans: There are some coloring conditions applied to these worksheets.

If Promised Due Date > Current Due Date, then record will be shown in GREEN color

If Promised Due Date < Current Due Date, then record will be shown in RED color

If Promised Due Date = Current Due Date, then record will be shown in YELLOW color

Here Promised Due Date is Issue's promised due date, which is given by Manager and Current Due Date is set from MS Project 2002 Prochain scheduling

2. Why the created Issues are not visible in the Manager Worksheet after Installation?

Ans: Installation should install TRI2 ISSUE NUMBER, if it is not installed, the created issues are not visible in the Manager Worksheet. Migration of the Auto Number object to the instance will resolve the problem.

3. Where is the input column of Issue Detail?

Ans: "Issue Title" field is used to give details of issue. It explains what the issue is about. And "Comments" field can be used for providing extra information (like description of issue), document, which explains more details about the issue can be attached to the issue by clicking on "Upload Document" field.

4. How can I find my COMPLETED and/or SKIPED tasks?

Ans: Logged in user's COMPLETED or SKIPPED tasks can be queried by providing one of the value "COMPLETED", "SKIPPED", "COMPLETED,SKIPPED" to Status field in the query dialog of My Tasks work sheet, will fetch the COMPLETED or SKIPPED or COMPLETED and SKIPPED tasks, which are assigned to the logged in user.