When we Save a Parent Model as a Child Model to one of its Nodes,the model cannot be saved.This Validation is explained with the following example.
Select the Business Process Mapping Application from the available applications.
Figure 407
Click on the Build link the following Screen is appeared.
Figure 408
Click on the Open Model button the following Dialogue is appeared.
Figure 409
Select Model A and click on ok button.The following Screen is appeared.
Figure 410
The Model A has Model B as SubProcess and now open the Model B after clearing the Model A.
Figure 411
Make a drilldown to Level 1 by cliking on the SubprocessModelB Node in the above figure and Open the Model A and return to the above page by double cliking on the WorkSpace.
Now Click on Save Button the Following Screen is appeared.
Figure 412
Click on Ok button.The following Error Message is displayed.
Figure 413
This message confirms that we cannot save a Parent Model as Sub Model to one of its Nodes.