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Viewing Application/Workflow/State Details

To view application/workflow/state details:

  1. Click on the Applications/Workflows/States link as shown in the Figure 34. The Applications/Workflows/States screen with Query Conditions dialog box is displayed as shown in the figure below:

    Query Condition Dialog Box

    Figure 55:

    In the above screen, Applications frame that displays on clicking Applications link is shown.

  2. Enter the query criteria by specifying values for the several parameters displayed in the Query Conditions dialog box. The rows satisfying the query criteria appear in the view.
  3. Click OK. The details of application are displayed as shown in the figure below:

    Applications Screen

    Figure 56:

    In the similar way, the details of workflows and states are displayed on clicking Workflow link and States link.

  4. Select the required application and right-click to see a Workflows popup menu.

    Wrokflow Popup Menu Item

    Figure 57:

  5. Click Workflows. The Workflows frame is displayed as shown in the figure below:

    Workflow Screen

    Figure 58:

  6. Select the required workflow and right-click to see States popup menu.

    States Popup Menu Item

    Figure 59:

  7. Click States. The States frame is displayed as shown in the figure below:

    States Screen

    Figure 60:

Note: If the user is not able to copy data from any view by pressing [ctrl + c] then the Copy popup menu that appears in all the views allows user to copy the data from required cell/column/row.

See Also

Application Details