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How to set an Issue(s) or Task(s) as Predecessor to another Issue?

Suppose Issue A should be set as predecessor to Issue B, then fill the Issue A Number in the Predecessor(s) field of Issue B and commit in Manager Worksheet.

Setting predecessors will be done by only Manager Worksheet, as it is a manager activity.

Here is a sample scenario for setting an Issue as predecessor to another Issue in Manager Worksheet:

The following are the two issues in Triniti Products -> Development workflow and their status is STARTED.

If IS023305 is set as predecessor to IS023306 by typing (or copy/paste) IS023305 value in IS023306 Predecessor(s) field and committed, then Status of IS023306 will be changed to PENDING.

Suppose multiple issues should be set as predecessors to an issue, then the Predecessor(s) field should have Issue Numbers separated by comma

For example: IS023306 and IS023307 are set as predecessors to IS023308, so Status of IS023308 is PENDING

Suppose Issue task should be set as predecessor to an issue, then the Predecessor(s) field should have Issue Number + Task in "<IssueNo>(<Task>)" format.

For example: IS023306 and IS023307 are set as predecessors to IS023308, so Status of IS023308 is PENDING

Suppose multiple Issue tasks should be set as predecessor to an issue, then the Predecessor(s) field should have Issue Numbers with their Tasks separated by comma in "<IssueNo1>(<Task1>),<IssueNo2>(<Task2>)" format.

For example: IS023306(Develop & Unit Test) and IS023307(UAT) are set as predecessors to IS023308, so Status of IS023308 is PENDING

See Also


How to reopen a Closed Issue?