A Job is configured in Scheduler that runs daily at 9:00 AM, which checks for the Project Invoicing. It does the following things in the execution:
Figure 51
Figure 52
The following are scenarios for the Project Invoicing:
Scenario 1
If Project is "FIXED BID" with START DATE, Amount, Duration in months, MONTHLY invoicing then every month one ISSUE request will be created until number of issues in invoicing process <= duration in months value and invoicing amount will be Amount / duration is in months.
Scenario 2
If Project is "FIXED BID" with Amount, End Date, COMPLETION invoicing then ISSUE request will be created on End Date of the project with invoicing amount (Amount).
Scenario 3
If project is "FIXED BID" with Amount, COMPLETION invoicing then ISSUE request will be created when project does not have any uncompleted tasks with invoicing amount (Amount).