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Changing process of an Issue

Suppose a ticket (issue) is created in a process (workflow) and it should be moved to another process in the same project, it can be done through Process Controller module. This activity can be done by only administrator/project manager/project leads who have complete access to the project.

Here is an example provided for a ticket in TRI2 PPM Development project, which should be moved from Support process to Development process:

1. Access TRI2 Portal, select TRI2 PPM Development from Application drop down list and click on Support process link, then Support process will be displayed on the right panel - picture is given below:

2. Click on Provide Support task in the process diagram on the right panel, it will open all the tickets in the task - picture is given below:

3. Select a Ticket in the table by clicking the check box of the ticket, select first task in the TRI2 PPM Development process (expand tree to get list of tasks) and click on MoveTo >> button to move ticket from Support process to TRI2 PPM Development process -picture is given below:

Ticket is moved from Support process to TRI2 PPM Development process.

Note: Some times Ticket table might not be refresh automatically after ticket move, so refresh process by clicking on the process link on the left panel.