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Generating Code for a Process

Code can be generated for the models after they are saved in the database. Generating code for the models is the fifth step in creating a process.


Generate Code & Running a Modeled Process_ Figure 1: The fifth step in creating a process

Operations tab has two options, Save And Generate Adapters and Save And Generate Report.

Generate Code & Running a Modeled Process_ Figure 2:

Click Save And Generate Adapters in the Operations tab to save the model and to generate code. A conformation dialog box is displayed.


When clicked Yes, the following Commit Results dialog box is displayed

Generate Code & Running a Modeled Process_ Figure 3: The Commit Results Screen

Model Version and XML's are also saved at the time of code generation.

Click Save And Generate Report in the Operations tab to generate report. A conformation dialog box is displayed.


When clicked Yes, the following Commit Results dialog box is displayed in the case of R2O and O2R nodes.


The following Commit Results dialog box is displayed in the case of other nodes.


Note : For the first time Model has to be saved manually by using Save option. For the existing models, saving takes place at the time of Code Generation.

See Also

Generate Code & Running a Modeled Process

Instance Runner

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