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Project Issues Status Report

This report shows all the issues and their status in the select project.

Navigation: Issue Management -> Reports -> Project Issues Status Report

Click on Project Issues Status Report link, open the following Query dialog:

Select Project from the list to get the issues in that project.

Other fields like Workflow, Start Date and Active / Inactive are optional in the Query.

Workflow : Workflow in the selected Project

Issue Start Date : Start date of the issue, between dates can be selected by setting Operator is between

Active / Inactive : Whether Issue is active or cancelled

Click on OK button to fetch the issues in the selected Project and the Criteria:

Project: Project name

Workflow: Workflow name

Module: Oracle / Triniti Module name

Priority: Priority of the issue, value range is 0 to 999 where 0 is high priority and 999 is low priority

Issue Number: Generated Issue number in TRI2

Issue Title: Title of the issue

Closed / Current Task: Value could be "Issue Closed" or Current Task name

Issue Start Date: Start date of the issue

Closed Date / Current Task End Date: Issue Closed Date or Current Tasks End date

Days Remaining: Value is 0 for closed issue or Days Remaining for the Current Task to complete

Comments: Latest Resource comments for the Issue / Task

Resource: Resource assigned to the Current Task, if Issue is closed, then no resource name will be shown

Issue Promised Due Date: Issue's promised due date

Requester: Requester of the issue

Customer Ticket Number: Customer's ticket number for cross reference

Migration Number: Migration Request number assigned to the issue

Approver: Approver of the last APPROVE state in the workflow

Approver Comments: Comments provided by the approver

Approved On: Date on which approved

Active / Inactive: Status of the Issue whether it is active in the project or cancelled

Complexity : Shows the complexity value (1 - 10) of the issue solution - 1 is low and 10 is high

Quality : Shows the quality value (1- 10) of the issue solution - 1 is low and 10 is high

See Also


Issue Open Closed Summary

Task Open Closed Summary

Due Tasks Summary