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Restricting other Users to access the Instance State

This is used to restrict the other users to access the Instance in a particular State,in other words it allows only the Authorized user to access the instance in a particular state.Only the owner of that Instance has the permission to access the instance in that particular state.

This can be explained clearly with the following scenario.

Let Us Consider Invoice To Client Application.

Select the Invoice To Client Application from the available Applications as shown below.


Click on Invoice Workflow the following Screen is displayed.


Click on build and fill the mandatory columns as shown below.


Click on Apply to apply the modifications and then click on Operations --->Upload Invoice.The following conformation dialogue is appeared.


Click on yes the following Commit Results dialogue is appeared.


Click on Manager state in Invoice Workflow,the Created invoice Name is present in this State.


Now lchinta is the owner of this instance,and if any other user(here tabuser) tries to access this instance then the following Alert message is displayed.


If you want to change the instance owner then go to Workflow Instance Resource Assignment Report available in Application Designer Application,Application Details viewer set.


Click on the above report and give the details of the instance as shown below


Click on ok button the following screen is appeared.


Now change the lchinta in Instance Owner column to tabuser and update the records as shown below.


Now tabuser can access the "InvoiceForSODExecution" instance present in Manager state.


Click on build in the above page and user(tabuser) is able to access "InvoiceForSODExecution"instance.