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Available Tokens For Mails

Workflow Designer Operation Mail Tokens:

Workflow Designer consists of following available built in tokens they are described in bellow.This Tokens are available in operations/Message Details tab/sbuject or message.

1)LOGED_USER: This token is used for displaying Loged User name that means display User Name .

When we configuring the message details like subject,message in case of 'operations' so when we select this token i.e Loged User from list of available tokens .This should be displayed as loged User name in mail .


Loged User: nsirikonda

2)INSTANCE_OWNER: This token is used for displaying InstanceOwner name that means display User Name .

When we configuring the message details (for mails) in case of 'operations' for subject and message. When we select this token i.e InstanceOwner from list of available tokens .This should be displayed InstanceOwner name in mail .


InstanceOwner : nsirikonda

3)LOGED_ROLE : When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display LogedRole

4)LOGED_EMAIL : When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display LogedEmail

5)CONTEXT_PATH :When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display contexpath

Context path :

6)SERVER_TIME: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display Server Time .


Server Time: 2012-11-01

7)SYSDATE: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display Sysdate .


Sysdate: 2012-11-01

8)TIMESTAMP : When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display Time stamp.


Time stamp: 2012-11-01

9)DURATION_DAYS: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this will display duration of days

10)DURATION_HOURS: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this will display duration of hours

11)INSTANCE_ID: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this displays instance id

Instance_id: 346041

12)APPLICATION_NAME : When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display name of the Application which we have created.


Application name:Workflow Designer

Or which ever Workflow Designer Application we used for configuring message details this could display that appropriate application


Application name:Workflow_testing

13)WORKFLOW_NAME : When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display name of the workflow of an workflow designer application


Workflow name:workflow_default

This workflow name should be given when ever we create the workflow of an application

14)FROM_STATE_ID: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display the 'form state id' of a workflow of an application


From state_id: 1236608

15)FROM_STATE_NAME: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display the 'form state name' of a workflow of an application


From state_name: Start

16)TO_STATE_ID: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display the 'To state id' of a workflow of an application


To state_id: 1236609

17)TO_STATE_NAME: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this could display the 'to state name' of a workflow of an application


tostate_name: Default.

Note:The state names are given when we creating the workflow we can give our own names which ever name you have given that name should be displayed

18)DOCUMENT_PATHS: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this can displays Document paths if available other wise it displays a message No Documents Available.


DOCUMENT_PATHS:No Documents Available .

The selected application doesn't contain documents.

19)USER_COMMENTS: When ever we configure this token in Message details, this can display user comments if available.

20)HREF : When ever we select this token i.e $HREF$ A link will be formed for one perticular we should give operation name.



21)OPERATION_LINKS: When ever we select this token i.e $OPERATION_LINKS$ Multiple operations can be configured in a link.

for example if start state contain 3 operations 3 links will be formed

when ever we click this link it displays a jsp page. in the jsp it contain comment box so we give comments and click on submit button this will display a message instance has been moved to next state


22)HREF_MAIL:When ever we select this token i.e $HREF_MAIL$ A Link will be formed a mail with in a mail .so when ever we give to mail id a mail will be send that perticular id

ex: $operation_name$.$HREF_MAIL$

23)OPERATIONLINKS_MAIL:When ever we select this token i.e $OPERATIONLINKS_MAIL$ A Link will be formed a mail with in a mail .Here we form a link with multiple operations. So when ever we give to mail id a mail will be send that perticular id.


24)SSOOPERATION_LINKS:When ever we select this token $SSOOPERATION_LINKS$

a new build frame will be opend with all details.(build frame is filled with details like instance_name,instance_owner) and when we click apply--->operations an instance will be moved to the next state.


See Also

Operation Node

Sample Condition in an Operation

Configuration of Approve / Reject notifications

Web Service Configuration for a Workflow Activity