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Logging on to Triniti Application Builder

To log on to Triniti Application Builder Administrator:

  1. Enter the URL for the application in browser, you see the following screen

    Figure 1:

Once the downloading of jars is completed, the Logon screen is displayed

If the Oracle Authentication is false then the following screen will be displayed.

Figure 2:

If Oracle Authentication is true then Forgot password, Stay Signed in & Create User Account wont be displayed as below.

Figure 3:

Enter the User name, Password and click Login. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 4:

The left side of screen contains dropdown list for Role, and Application. On selecting the required role, a list of applications (Configuration Setup, TAS, Role Hierarchy, User Hierarchy, Application Objects, Category, Application Designer, and Workflow Designer, etc) available for that role are displayed at Applications dropdown list .

Figure 5:

The left side of screen contains list of Applications that are assigned to the user.

In the above figure Administration,Application Change Management,Projects are the categories(Application Groups),If a Category(Application Group) contains URL then that Application Group will be displayed as a link as shown below.

Figure 6:

In This Section

Forgot Password

Stay Signed In

Create User Account