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Configuration and Execution of Segregation of Duties (SOD) @ WorkFlow State.

Segregation Of Duties (SOD Rules/Ignored SOD Rules) is configured for the Default State in the WorkFlow.

Consider the following Workflow.

Figure 80

The SOD Rules are Configured for the two Defaut Sates i.e,Lead,Manager in the above workflow.

Figure 81

Now Select the State Name from the LOVs which shows the available default State names other than the Selected one.For instance if we select Lead State in the above workflow then the State Name LOV shows the remaining default States other than the selected default state i.e., Manager as it is the only other default state other than Lead.

Figure 82

Set the value for the violation Flag from the Lov which mainly consists of None,Warning,Error as shown in the below figure.

Figure 83

For the violation flag 'None','Warning' we allow the instance to move from one state to another state but for the violation flag 'Error' if the instance is moved by the same user, we never allow the instance to move from one state to another state and the message is displayed in the Front End as Shown below.

Figure 84

In the Ignored SOD Rules Tab we can view the previously given SOD rules for the selected Default State

Figure 85

See Also

Properties of Nodes in the Nodes Area

Workflow Type Node

Default State Node

About User Interface

Start State Node

Stop State Node

AND State Node

OR State Node

Escalation State Node

Notification State Node

Operation Node

Loop Node

Workflow Start Node

Self Move State Node

Task Resource Assignment State Node

To Other Workflow Node

Notification Mails